Tag Archives: update

Thank You! Merci!

One year, 227 posts, 337 comments, and heaps of fun…

This blog began on the first day of 2010, with the Vancouver Winter Olympics just six weeks away…

But now it’s been ten long months since the Olympics ended, and with hardly any new Quatchi items to report, it’s fitting that we end this blog today, on the last day of 2010. Of course we’d love it to continue, but with the scant Quatchi action of late (and even less expected in the future), it’s best we wrap it up now, instead of letting it limp along indefinitely.

However, everything we’ve posted here will remain at this URL as long as Quatchi-ly possible, and it should all remain tagged and searchable (though some of the embedded videos have been removed, and more will probably follow). Also, any posts we’ve updated since their original publication now have an update tag, as will any posts we might update in the future (say, if we come across more dogs named Quatchi). Meanwhile, both the Quatch Watch and Quatchifan2010 blogs still routinely post neat stuff worth checking out. And, in the unlikely event of any major breaking Quatchi news, it’ll be covered on Steve’s blog, tagged with the Quatchi label.

Some inside poop: During the past year, lotsa folks have written us wondering where we find so much about Quatchi — it’s actually pretty easy. Of course there’s Google, but also worth a search is Bing. (F’rinstance, in recent news, the Museum of Vancouver inherited a whole mess of Olympics artifacts, so perhaps one day some historic Quatchi memorabilia will be displayed there.) For photos there’s flickr and Picasa; for video there’s YouTube and Vimeo; for all that great fan art, there’s deviantART. To buy Quatchi swag, see both eBay as well as the Canadian eBay.

Now, as we said at Olympics’ end, beaucoup thanks goes out to everybody who’s read our blog, commented on it, linked to it, and sent us helpful Quatchi tips. Above all, mucho megatons of thanks to Meomi, who created the eternally lovable Quatchi and his mascot friends in the first place… Incidentally, Meomi is enjoying an even greater success with their groovy Octonauts, so congrats to Vicki and Michael!

So that’s about the size of it. See you in the funny papers!

— Steve & Eliza

Other Sasquatch Mascots!

In case you were wondering, there have been other Sasquatch sports mascots besides Quatchi. Above, we see Sasq ‘ets, who cheers on the University of the Fraser Valley Cascades… Below is the creepy Strike the Sasquatch, representing the Northwest Arkansas Naturals baseball team.

Finally, the even creepier Squatch, who was made extinct when the Sonics basketball team left Seattle in 2008.

Oddly enough, Squatch’s web page is still somewhat intact.


This is Shivers, mascot of the Kootenay Ice hockey team:

Not sure if the short-lived Montreal Sasquatch basketball team had an actual mascot, but here’s their logo:


This is the logo for the seemingly defunct Saquatch hockey team:

And here’s another look at Shivers:

— Steve

Quatchi Fan Art #53

By peetietang.

There’s also Quatchewok.


The above art inspired the folks at Quatchifan2010 to do this…

— Steve

Quatchi on the Road #3

Holy smokes! Sammers’ Q has been China (above), as well as Chicago

…and Montréal:

Meanwhile, Shanny & D took Quatchi to Paris:

And some other folks took him south to Cusco, Peru:

Lastly, my sister Linda sent me this picture of Quatchi’s visit to Yellowstone National Park:

But she really just took a picture of Quatchi and then pasted it onto another picture she took at Yellowstone. Pretty sneaky, sis.


Here’s Quatchi in Bangkok:

And back in China, this time in Ningbo:


A visit to Sydney:

— Steve

Cats Love Quatchi!

Above, Quatchi and Mouse. Below, Quatchi and Cochise.

A couple of Quatchi Watch classic reprints: “Quatchi Riding On The Cat,” found here

…and with our upstairs neighbor, Cinders:

Quatchi hangs out with another neighbor cat, Stumpy, so named because of the tail he’s missing (or never had). Stumpy loves ham!

Finally, here’s a cat named Quatchi, and cat named Quatchie [sic].

Don’t forget — dogs love Quatchi too!


With Gwen:


Attacked by Jenkins:

A safe distance from some cat in a Portland store:

With Miga and Buddy:

— Steve

Pagan Quatchi!

Hoo boy, this is rich!

You’d think the conservative religious teabagging right already has enough to whine about, what with that uppity illegal immigrant socialist homo communist Obama destroying America and throwing grandma to the death panel. But now this guy Frederick Meekins has to go and pick on Quatchi.

Here are some key passages from his paranoid rant, “Olympics Subtly Lure Tots Into Paganism’s Embrace,” peppered with my own smartass comments…

During each Olympiad, mascots are created as appealing embodiments of each unique set of games. For example, the 1984 Olympics held in Los Angeles were represented by Sam the Olympian, a bald eagle clad in red, white, and blue which alluded to Uncle Same [sic] and the highest ideals of the American people.

Sam wore a striped bowtie, a red wifebeater, and no pants.

It has been a quarter of a century since then and the practice continues. It is doubtful, though, parents with a lick of sense about them will be as enthusiastic about what is being pushed now as adorable imaginative companions… The first outrage is really more economic than anything else… No doubt, nice checks went to the firms and/or artists creating the mascots of the Vancouver games.

I sure hope so — Meomi rocks!

What the artists this time deserve are gold metals [sic] for the least amount work possible going into the artistic rendering of an Olympiad’s mascots. For example, Sam the Olympian was rendered with the skill, precision, and appeal for which 20th century Disney characters were noted and adored for by the public. One does not need to go into a lengthy backstory to figure out what Sam the Eagle is and what he stands for.

Agreed. Sam was obviously an atheist who supported legalized marijuana and gay marriage.

In fact, the firm that designed the characters should have been paid no more for these rendering [sic] than one would a doodler in a high school art class. In the high school art class I was enrolled in, one would have received a grade not much above passing had one handed in something looking as ridiculous and simplistic.

“In fact”? If that’s the case, the A students’s work must’ve been brilliant!

What becomes really questionable, however, is in regards to what the mascots represent. The following comes not from conservative or even Christian fundamentalist conspiracy theorists, but rather from the Wikipedia entry for the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paraolympic [sic] Games mascots… Of the trio, the most realistic is a Sasquatch named “Quatchi”. That isn’t too bad as for decades as the Sasquatch or Bigfoot has been a cryptozoological celebrity of the Pacific Northwest.

If it’s on Wikipedia, it’s gotta be true. But it can be argued that Jesus is a cryptid celebrity too!

However, it [sic] today’s world, it’s never enough to let characters be huggable and adorable in and of themselves. Why waste an opportunity to manipulate young minds away from the values decent parents are trying to inoculate into their children? Those that look closer at Quatchi will notice that there is a tattoo on his bicep. With over a third of the population mutilated and defaced in this fashion, do children of the world really need additional peer pressure as to this questionable form of bodily ornamentation?

Is Quatchi really a “peer” of the children of the world? Regardless, I’ve also questioned Quatchi’s tattoo. Since fur can’t quite be tattooed, I figured his arm hair was dyed black in the shape of an Inukshuk (which, Meekins fails to mention, is clearly an occult symbol). Or maybe his fur was shaved in an Inukshuk shape, and then the exposed skin was tattooed, and then Quatchi kept shaving that area to keep the tattoo visible. Unfortunately, Meekins didn’t include any photos on his post (or even any links), so I’ve provided a closeup of Quatchi’s supposed tattoo above… You’re welcome!

If the bio-graffiti was not going to be noticed by spectators, the why did the artist take the time to add this particular design element? It takes so long to produce a finished artistic work that has to go through multiple editorial reviews that it is doubtful that any detail would be overlooked. And if the marking is not there for any particular reason, then why does it need to be there at all?… However, a tattoo strategically placed upon a mascot is not the only aspect about these characters designed to subconsciously lead Western children away from the values of their forefathers. For even though the games are presented as belonging to the world, only Westerners of a multiculturalist inclination would be deluded into thinking that Westerners wouldn’t be the only ones with enough leisure time to soak up the ambiance of the games as well as enough disposable income for all of the assorted trinkets pushed at spectators. After all, though they might excel at warm weather sports such as running, sub-Saharan Africans aren’t exactly renowned for their alacrity to ice and snow.


It is quite obvious that a mascot with a Christian or even Hebraic background or origins would not be put up with.

Damn straight! Baby Jesus would make a horrible Olympics mascot!

If those trusted with overseeing this event insist upon pursuing a manipulative mysticism, those redeemed by the one true God should first and foremost boldly warn what is rally [sic] going on beneath all the pageantry and excitement. Only then is the individual able to make a truly informed decision in keeping with their conscience.

In conclusion, before coming to a decision on the appropriateness of any Olympic mascot, make sure you are truly informed!

Sadly, I’m unable to comment on Meekins’s original post (since I’m not a “team member” of his), nor can I find any contact information to alert him to this here post. Hey, Frederick Meekins — if you happen to read this, we’d love to hear from you!


Still no word from Meekins, but he just posted the audio version of this rant here. The Quatchi stuff starts around the 4:40 mark, and if you can stand it, he does this whiny, demented impersonation of a “free-spirited” person at the 5:50 mark.


There are 100+ comments on the Meekins spiel at Fark.

— Steve

Animals Love Quatchi!

Be they cats




…or lizards

…animals love Quatchi!

So do pufferfish, elephants, and dogs — many funny dog updates since this was first posted in January.

— Steve

Quatchi Watch Needs Your Help!

Hi guys —

I just got a new Mac and have been transferring stuff over from my old Mac, but somewhere in the shuffle I lost the cool wallpaper depicted above. I downloaded it a couple years ago from the Vancouver2010 site, which has remained up for these few months since the Olympics ended, but now the site is “undergoing maintenance” (geez, I hope this doesn’t mean it’ll soon be gone for good).

Anyway, does anybody have a copy of this wallpaper they could email me? It would need to be at least 1280×800 to properly fit my screen. If so, please leave a comment and I’ll get back to you.

Thanks a squillion — Steve


Commenters Johnson and Heather hooked me up, so I’m good to go. You guys rock!

Quatchi Crafts #3

Let’s start with this fab xmas tree ornament

This comes from mve6’s flickr photostream — click it for more Quatchi/Bigfoot goodness.

Boy howdy, do I dig this construction paper Quatchi

Sammers’ Q looks plenty smart in this scarf

As well as this mitten (I’m assuming it’s part of a pair)…

More custom mittens here…

And here

Finally, Quatchi pants

Previous Quatchi Crafts entries (both by Eliza)…

Quatchi Crafts!

Quatchi Crafts #2


The Great Sasquatch, Quatchi, made outta clay by xcalixax:

Another photo from xcalixax, with clay Miga, Sumi, Mukmuk, and a clay inukshuk.

— Steve

Quatchi is Delicious #4

Feast your peepers on this killer b-day cake:

It’s a “chocolate root beer cake with coffee whipped ‘mousse’ filling, covered with chocolate and vanilla swiss meringue buttercream and topped off with rice krispie earmuffs and feet!” Read more about it, and see a couple more cool pix, here.

Another cake

A gingerbread house

A cookie

And some cupcakes

In case you missed it, Eliza made me my own Quatchi birthday cake last summer…

She also made another cake for our opening ceremonies party…

Yum. And if you missed Eliza’s previous entries in this series, looky here:

Quatchi is Delicious!

Quatchi is Delicious #2

Quatchi is Delicious #3


Another cupcake, found here.

— Steve