Tag Archives: Sumi

Thank You! Merci!

One year, 227 posts, 337 comments, and heaps of fun…

This blog began on the first day of 2010, with the Vancouver Winter Olympics just six weeks away…

But now it’s been ten long months since the Olympics ended, and with hardly any new Quatchi items to report, it’s fitting that we end this blog today, on the last day of 2010. Of course we’d love it to continue, but with the scant Quatchi action of late (and even less expected in the future), it’s best we wrap it up now, instead of letting it limp along indefinitely.

However, everything we’ve posted here will remain at this URL as long as Quatchi-ly possible, and it should all remain tagged and searchable (though some of the embedded videos have been removed, and more will probably follow). Also, any posts we’ve updated since their original publication now have an update tag, as will any posts we might update in the future (say, if we come across more dogs named Quatchi). Meanwhile, both the Quatch Watch and Quatchifan2010 blogs still routinely post neat stuff worth checking out. And, in the unlikely event of any major breaking Quatchi news, it’ll be covered on Steve’s blog, tagged with the Quatchi label.

Some inside poop: During the past year, lotsa folks have written us wondering where we find so much about Quatchi — it’s actually pretty easy. Of course there’s Google, but also worth a search is Bing. (F’rinstance, in recent news, the Museum of Vancouver inherited a whole mess of Olympics artifacts, so perhaps one day some historic Quatchi memorabilia will be displayed there.) For photos there’s flickr and Picasa; for video there’s YouTube and Vimeo; for all that great fan art, there’s deviantART. To buy Quatchi swag, see both eBay as well as the Canadian eBay.

Now, as we said at Olympics’ end, beaucoup thanks goes out to everybody who’s read our blog, commented on it, linked to it, and sent us helpful Quatchi tips. Above all, mucho megatons of thanks to Meomi, who created the eternally lovable Quatchi and his mascot friends in the first place… Incidentally, Meomi is enjoying an even greater success with their groovy Octonauts, so congrats to Vicki and Michael!

So that’s about the size of it. See you in the funny papers!

— Steve & Eliza

Quatchi’s Christmas in December!

Above, Derek K. Miller’s It’s a Quatchi Christmas; below, 11 more days until Christmas by still-a-fan…

Here’s some Quatchmas cheer from Sammers at QuatchWatch

And from Sophia at Quatchifan2010

Go here for an interactive Flash thing by Dado94, where you can play “Jingle Bells” by clicking on the mascots in the proper order…

A depressing Xmas 2010 message from a curious-looking Quatchi and Sumi…

Let’s go out on a lighter note, with this fun pin…

— Steve

Random Quatchi Images #2!

Eliza drew the above Quatchi on wax paper around a sandwich she made for my lunch (!); below, Quatchi chases Miga for oversize novelty tickets…

Susana finds Quatchi frolicking in Vancouver’s Chinatown…

While KittyCat321 finds evidence of Quatchi love…

Quatchi helps with the laundry at women’s hockey by tarbot (apparently spotted on a giant video screen, otherwise, I don’t know the context)…

Skonen_blades spotted some Quatchi and Sumi prizes in a claw toy game…

Quatchi and Miga travel in style…

I love this umbrella photo by cheukiecfu

Finally, click this for a NWSF Quatchi sex picture (on second thought, the image was in relatively poor taste for this blog, so I removed the link)… And click this for our first post of Random Quatchi Images!

— Steve

Quatchi Fan Art #54

I can’t track down to where I found this — my apologies to the artist.


The artist is Samantha Herle. Turns out we previously posted her sweet drawing in Quatchi Fan Art #11, but hey, it was worth a second look!

— Steve

Anarchist Quatchi!

We somehow missed this gem from July 2009, from the Blackbird’s most excellent 2010 Olympic Mascot Mayhem flickr set. That’s Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit Chief Operating Officer Bud Mercer in the Vancouver City Hall Council Chambers, displaying an image of Quatchi’s masked gang wielding Molotov cocktails. He got the picture off the Internet, though I can’t seem to find it myself (I guess that’s why he’s the security chief and I’m not). Apparently he thought the mascots would be some sort of terror threat — the woman seated to his right looks mighty worried.

Thanks, Blackbird!

— Steve

Happy Birthday, Quatchi!

Big thanks to commenter Lauren C. for reminding us that today is Quatchi’s third birthday!

More accurately, it’s the third anniversary of the unveiling of the Olympic mascots, but close enough!

Yeah, I know the picture above says “HappY 2ND BiRTHDaY”… Anybody wanna Photoshop it up to date?

— Steve

Quatchi Fan Art #52

By tivari.

— Steve

Quatchi in the News!

Today the Globe and Mail and other Canadian media outlets are running this story about tax dollars paying for the mascots’ pre-Olympics tour…

The federal government spent $16,000 to buy its own set of Quatchi, Miga and Sumi costumes to dazzle crowds at more than 23 events over the year leading up to the Games… The government also spent $4,650 to train actors to play the carefully crafted characters that were a major success of the Olympic marketing machine… The total budget for outfits, training and travel was $88,849.

The article doesn’t say whether Quatchi flew in first class or coach.

“Man touching Quatchi’s nipple”

Hey, that man is me!

This comes from a newish blog I just stumbled across, Quatchi & Friends. Not much on there, just some photos sans commentary, like the one above (what’s that thing with the sun head?). However, they’ve posted more stuff than we have in the past month, so we’ve added them to our Blogroll (at right).

BWT, I wasn’t consciously touching Quatchi’s nipple (assuming he even has nipples). It’s just where my hand happened to land while giving him a demi-hug.

— Steve

Meanwhile, On Other Quatchi Blogs…

Quatchifan2010 unveiled this masterpiece by Quatchster the Artist. You might call him SuperQuatchi. Speaking of which…

SuperQuatchi‘s pin collection continues to grow. Here’s a neat triptych:

Over on QuatchWatch, Sammers’ Q gets his hair did

Finally, while theirs isn’t a full-blown Quatchi blog, Shanny & D. deserve mention for toting Quatchi along on their many travels. Here he is in France:

— Steve